Los Latinos Pepinos Shoot

Tonight I captured footage of Los Latinos Pepinos performing some pieces from their set. They engaged my services to create a showreel video that they can send out to local venues for hire. We shot the footage in about 2 hours and only needed 2 takes of each song. These guys are fantastic musicians and I had an awesome time working with them.

Sometimes shoots don’t always go to plan but we try our best nonetheless.

Sometimes shoots don’t always go to plan but we try our best nonetheless.

We were all set to film Junho’s 2nd concept video “Dancing in the rain” before he was due to fly back home.
We wanted to incorporate the theme of water throughout his video so we decided to film parts of his dance in front of different water features around Roma Street Parklands.
While we were waiting for golden hour to start the water fountain within the main lake suddenly stopped working. We discovered the fountain was on an automatic timer so it can aerate the water for all of the animals living inside the lake.

As a videographer I am sometimes confronted with unexpected challenges but I always try my best to roll with the flow.
Unfortunately we were unable re-shoot the scene because Junho was due to fly home the following morning but we decided to continue with the shoot anyway.

Slip Slide

Client – Junho Oh
Project – Slip Slide

Today I got to film Junho Oh busting out his swag for a concept video. Junho is captain of his local dance crew back home in South Korea and he had some pretty slick dance moves to show off in front of the camera. He created the choreography for this piece and I created the vision – check it out.

Ella Ferdinands – Keep My Heart

Client – Ella Ferdinands
Project – Keep My Heart

I had the pleasure to recently work with Ella Ferdinands and create a music video for her hit single “Keep My Heart”.

Ella had a clear idea for her project before we started to collaborate but we still did a lot of planning before we commenced the shoot; I asked Ella to send me examples of her visual ideas so that I could gain insight and bring her visions to life.

We spent one day in the studio shooting and we set up all of the lighting effects seen throughout the video.

Since its release, Keep My Heart has been well received and made top 5 in the pop category at the Australian Independent Music Awards 2016.

I am very proud of Miss Ferdinand’s and I can’t wait to see where her career takes her next.